Supported sources
WalletNow currently supports the following sources of crypto investments
Binance Exchange
You can connect your Binance Exchange account to Wallet Now in order to see all your Binance investements consolidated along with DeFi and others. Read more about it here.
Custom Investments
You can manually register investments in any unsupported location (even other chains). Read more about it here.
DeFi (On-chain)
Supported chains:
Binance Smart Chain (BSC / BNB)
Polygon (MATIC)
Ethereum (ETH)
Fantom Opera (FTM)
Huobi Eco (HECO / HT)
Avalanche (AVAX)
Cronos Chain (CRO)
Full list of supported protocols can be found on:
In addition to the protocols listed above, we will also automatically detect any token on your wallet and display their information along with your investments. If the token is an "LP Token" (Liquidity Provider / Liquidity Pool Token), WalletNow will display detailed information about the underlying tokens as well. Below you can find the list of DEXes (Distributed Exchanges) supported at this moment.
DEX support
Request new integrations:
Would you like to request support for a new protocol? You can open a request on the link above. If you are the owner/leader of a protocol and you can provide technical details about the integration, ping @Willy_Now on Telegram as it will greatly speed-up the process, otherwise it will be put in a queue for prioritization.
Last updated