B2B Summary

Services for business and project owners

WalletNow also offers the following services for business and project owners:

  • One-click buy links: Create direct links to buy any token in a super-easy way, across multiple chains! Token logo listings are free!

  • Swap as a service: Offer to your users a built-in swap service which leverages our advanced multi-chain liquidity aggregator, and receive a commission from all swaps at the same time!

  • Advertise on WalletNow: (For partners only) - Expose your project to an average of 88 thousand user sessions per day.

  • Price Charts: Get access to DEX Token price charting data (Open-High-Low-Close-Volume / OHLCV Data) so you can easily include price charts on your website or dApp.

Click on the links above ☝🏻 for more information on each offering.

Last updated