Telegram Bot

Our Telegram Bot (@WalletNow_Bot) provides a convenient way to quickly check summarized information of your investments, any time, anywhere!

With our bot you can:

  • Request a quick snapshot of all your wallets with summarized information

  • Check the prices of all your tokens (tokens you currently hold or have invested)

  • Configure most account settings, such as: Additional wallets, custom investments, preferred currency, and the Binance Exchange integration

  • Receive proactive warnings about abnormal fluctuation in any any of your tokens (tokens you currently hold or have invested). Read more about this here.

Linking your account

To link your Telegram account to your wallet:

  1. Open your wallet on

  2. Click on Account Settings and make sure your are logged in. You MUST login to connect your telegram account. (See how to login on this page)

  3. Click on "Telegram", then on "Get Key" and copy the provided key

  4. Go to Telegram and start a conversation with @WalletNow_Bot

  5. Send the following command: /link <wallet> <key>

Example command on Telegram:

🙍‍♂️ You:
/link 0x9f8ccdafcc39f3c7d6ebf637c9151673cbc36b88 2f54b02a4b23c456fda6

🤖 WalletNow Bot:
Congratulations! Your account has been successfully linked 👏🏻👏🏻


To take a quick snapshot of your investments, just send the command /snapshot


🙍‍♂️ You:

🤖 WalletNow Bot:
Processing. Please wait...

Snapshot: 2021-04-26 02:04 UTC
Investment          | Total amount
------------------- | -------------
$BNB on Binance     |      US$ 1,38
BTCB Vault          |  US$ 7.696,77
BUNNY Boost Vault   |    US$ 450,19
BUNNY Staking       |    US$ 177,18
Cake                |      US$ 0,04
ETH Vault           |  US$ 4.786,39
iBUSD               | US$ 23.419,45
iUSDT               | US$ 14.994,40
Moo Swampy SWAMP    |     US$ 76,98
Student Coin (STC)  |  US$ 6.353,35
VAI-BUSD LP Staking | US$ 11.900,85
xBLZD Cave          |      US$ 1,77
------------------- | -------------
Wallet 1 (3 tokens) |     US$ 35,34
 $BNB               |     US$ 23,21
 $FAIR              |      US$ 7,09
 $VAI               |      US$ 5,03
Wallet 2 (2 tokens) |     US$ 56,09
 $AUTO              |     US$ 29,23
 $BNB               |     US$ 26,86
Wallet 3 (1 token)  |    US$ 520,34
 $BNB               |    US$ 520,34
------------------- | -------------
Wallet 1            | US$ 57.410,92
Wallet 2            | US$ 12.539,25
Wallet 3            |    US$ 520,35
Grand total         | US$ 70.470,52


You can quickly check the prices of all your tokens with the /prices command:

🙍‍♂️ You:

🤖 WalletNow Bot:
Processing. Please wait...

Symbol | Price        
------ | -------------
AUTO   |  US$ 2.230,03
BNB    |    US$ 530,38
BTCB   | US$ 52.151,66
BUNNY  |    US$ 386,98
BUSD   |      US$ 1,00
Cake   |     US$ 32,86
ETH    |  US$ 2.459,13
FAIR   |      US$ 0,00
SWAMP  |     US$ 53,18
USDT   |      US$ 1,00
VAI    |      US$ 0,98
WBNB   |    US$ 532,34
iBUSD  |      US$ 1,01
iUSDT  |      US$ 1,01
xBLZD  |      US$ 9,96

Pending Yields

You can check all your pending yields with the /pending command:

🙍‍♂️ You:

🤖 WalletNow Bot:
Processing. Please wait...

Pending Yields:
Investment          | Pending
------------------- | -------
BNB-BUSD LP Staking |  $14.78
  $BUNNY            |   $7.96
  $Cake             |   $6.82
VAI-BUSD LP Staking |  $14.58
  $BUNNY            |   $7.85
  $Cake             |   $6.72
iBUSD Staking       |  $11.35
  $AUTO             |  $11.35
BUNNY Boost Vault   |   $8.89
  $BUNNY            |   $8.89
iUSDT Staking       |   $6.69
  $AUTO             |   $6.69
BUNNY Staking       |   $6.15
  $BNB              |   $6.15
BTCB Vault          |   $6.13
  $BTCB             |   $2.83
  $BUNNY            |   $3.30
ETH Vault           |   $3.50
  $BUNNY            |   $1.89
  $ETH              |   $1.62
xBLZD Cave          |   $0.18
  $xBLZD            |   $0.18
MDX-BUSD LP Staking |   $0.14
  $MDX              |   $0.14
------------------- | -------
Trezor 1            |  $47.96
Trezor 2            |  $24.41
Total Pending       |  $72.38

This is a great way to quickly check if it is time to do those manual compounds, or if you should wait a bit more!

Other commands

There are many other commands in the bot which you can use to configure your preferences, manage extra wallets and register custom investments. Just send the /start command to see them all:


🤖 WalletNow Bot:
Hello. Welcome to Wallet Now! (
The list of available commands are:

If you have not linked your account yet, you should start with:

Last updated